Identity / Collateral / Poster / Environmental


Art Foundation
and Gallery

Art Foundation
and Gallery

Art Foundation
and Gallery

“As a gallery we need to stand out when alone, but fade into the background when  heroing the art.”

Owen Martin – Director & Chief Curator

As a centre dedicated to the research, education and exhibition of African art, the Norval Foundation sees there role as a space to highlight the incredible output of the continent rather than allow their own brand to take centre stage. Their ethos is built on the idea of receeding into the background as both a brand and a builiding, alllowing the work inside it and the natural environment outside it to shine, while still retaining a strong identity as a patron of African art. This value became the cornerstone of a conceptual proposal to reimagine their corporate identity - utilising negative space in their mark and identity sytem as a graphic guideline to communictae who they are and what they stand for. 

As a centre dedicated to the research, education and exhibition of African art, the Norval Foundation sees there role as a space to highlight the incredible output of the continent rather than allow their own brand to take centre stage. Their ethos is built on the idea of receeding into the background as both a brand and a builiding, alllowing the work inside it and the natural environment outside it to shine, while still retaining a strong identity as a patron of African art. This value became the cornerstone of a conceptual proposal to reimagine their corporate identity - utilising negative space in their mark and identity sytem as a graphic guideline to communictae who they are and what they stand for. 

As a centre dedicated to the research, education and exhibition of African art, the Norval Foundation sees there role as a space to highlight the incredible output of the continent rather than allow their own brand to take centre stage. Their ethos is built on the idea of receeding into the background as both a brand and a builiding, alllowing the work inside it and the natural environment outside it to shine, while still retaining a strong identity as a patron of African art. This value became the cornerstone of a conceptual proposal to reimagine their corporate identity - utilising negative space in their mark and identity sytem as a graphic guideline to communictae who they are and what they stand for. 

As a centre dedicated to the research, education and exhibition of African art, the Norval Foundation sees there role as a space to highlight the incredible output of the continent rather than allow their own brand to take centre stage. Their ethos is built on the idea of receeding into the background as both a brand and a builiding, alllowing the work inside it and the natural environment outside it to shine, while still retaining a strong identity as a patron of African art. This value became the cornerstone of a conceptual proposal to reimagine their corporate identity - utilising negative space in their mark and identity sytem as a graphic guideline to communictae who they are and what they stand for. 

As a centre dedicated to the research, education and exhibition of African art, the Norval Foundation sees there role as a space to highlight the incredible output of the continent rather than allow their own brand to take centre stage. Their ethos is built on the idea of receeding into the background as both a brand and a builiding, alllowing the work inside it and the natural environment outside it to shine, while still retaining a strong identity as a patron of African art. This value became the cornerstone of a conceptual proposal to reimagine their corporate identity - utilising negative space in their mark and identity sytem as a graphic guideline to communictae who they are and what they stand for. 


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© HaveYouHeard (Pty) Ltd.  All rights reserved.